Green Energy Loans with Alpine Bank1

In addition to offering a suite of "green" energy lender services, Alpine Bank offers various consumer and business loan programs to help our customers make energy and resource improvements to their everyday lives.**

Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit

Use the equity in your home to generate your own clean and renewable energy, or use it to make cost-saving energy improvements. For energy-reduction home improvements, we'll give you a 1/2 percent discount on your interest rate. You may also be able to take advantage of utility rebates and government tax credits2. Your utility bills may be reduced by installing:

  • Solar electric or solar thermal energy systems
  • Geothermal heat exchange systems
  • ENERGYSTAR® home appliances
  • Xeriscape landscaping
  • HVAC/swamp cooler

Get a Home Equity Loan

Hybrid, Plug-In Hybrid Electric and Electric Vehicle Loans

Make your drive time greener by purchasing a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Choose a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or electric vehicle, and we'll take ½ percent off your loan interest rate when you qualify for a green loan.

Get an Auto Loan

Business Loans

We offer a variety of rate-discounted "green" loans for fuel-efficient business vehicles and real estate-secured loans. Please contact your local Alpine Bank to learn more about "green" loans for your business needs.

Green Initiative

In 2005, Alpine Bank employees started a grassroots effort called the Green Team. This led to the development of Alpine Bank's Environmental Management System (EMS), a program designed to measure and improve our standard for environmental awareness.

Learn More

Valid identification is required to open this account. Please refer to this list of acceptable forms of identification.


1Must meet Alpine Bank's underwriting requirements. Rates and terms are subject to change based on current market conditions. Please contact your local Alpine Bank loan offi­cer for more information, other restrictions may apply.

2Consult a tax advisor.