

Online Banking & Mobile App Guides


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Send Secure Messages

View automated alerts, such as a low-funds warning, messages from Alpine Bank, and communications with Alpine Bank support representatives, from Messages.

Initiate Secure Messages

  1. Select Messages from the main menu.

  2. Select the Start a conversation link to the right of Messages or in the message area.
    Note: Messages may be accessed through multiple areas within Alpine Online, including the Dashboard and Transaction Details.

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  3. At the bottom of the Secure Message, type your question or message. Click on the + symbol to add a file, transaction account, or Bill Pay payment to your message. Click Send to send the message to Alpine Bank’s support group.  

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  4. The message conversation will show above the text input box. Messages may be sent any time, however, if sent outside our normal business hours we will respond the following business day and in the order the message was received. For immediate assistance please call us directly at 800-551-6098, during our business hours.

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  5. Previous conversations, alerts, and messages are saved in the Inbox. You may also filter your Inbox results.  

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